- Central
Council/ Executive Committee:
The general management of the Association as a whole shall be vested with
Central Council & while that of the State/ Local branches shall be vested
with the respective Executive Committee of the branch, under guidance from
Head Office. No one in receipt of salary or honorarium from the funds of
the Association can be elected as office bearer of the Association.
- Composition of the Central Council:
- One President Tenure of Office One Year
- One President-elect Tenure of Office One Year
- Three Vice-Presidents Tenure of Office One Year
- One Honorary Secretary General Tenure of Office
Five Year
- One Honorary Joint Secretary Tenure of Office Five
- One Honorary Assistant Secretary Tenure of Office
Five Years
- One Honorary Treasurer Tenure of Office Five Years
- One Editor of the Journal Tenure of Office Five
- One Chairman of council of Dental Health "
Two Years
- One Chairman of the continuing Dental Education
Wing Two Year
- Immediate Past President Tenure of Office One Year
- Representatives to Central council from the
State branches (Reg page 32)
- Composition of the Executive Committee of the State
- One President Term of Office One Year
- One President Elect Term of Office One Year
- Three Vice-President Term of Office One Year
- One Honorary State Secretary Term of Office Three
- One Honorary Joint Secretary Term of Office Three
- One Honorary Asst. Secretary Term of Office Three
- One Honorary Treasurer Term of Office Three Years
- One Editor of the Journal(Optional) Term of Office
Three Years
- One Convenor CDH Term of Office One Year
- One Convenor CDE Term of Office One Year
- Immediate Past President Term of Office One Year
- Members of the Executive Committee
(Without Portfolio) One Year
(the number shall be on the basis of total strength of the Sate Branch.
For every 100 Life/ Annual members or part there of there shall be one
E.C. Member)
- Representatives from State branch to Central council H/O One Year
(It is optional for State Branches to decide whether they should be
member of State Executive Committee also or not in addition to their
duties as representatives of C.C.) (Ref Page 32)
- Representatives from Local Branch to State Executive
(Ref Page 32)
- Composition of the Executive Committee of the Local
- One President Tenure of Office One Year
- One President Elect Tenure of Office One Year
- Two Vice Presidents Tenure of Office One Year
- One Hony Branch Secretary Tenure of Office Two Years
- One Hony. Joint Secretary Tenure of Office Two Years
- One Hony. Treasurer Tenure of Office One Year
- One Rep. to C.D.H. Tenure of Office One Year
- One Rep. to C.D.E. Tenure of Office One Year
- One Editor Journal (Optional) Tenure of Office Two
- Imm. Past President Tenure of Office One Year
- Three Members of Exe. Committee for a strength of
1-100Life/ Annual members (thereafter the number shall be on the basis
of total strength of the Local Branch. For every additional 100 Life/
Annual members or part there off there shall be one E.C. Member)
- Representative from Local Branches to State Executive.
It is optional for Local Branches to decide whether they should be
member of Local Branch Executive Committee also or not in addition
to their duties as representative to State Executive Committee.
Function and Powers:
- Central
The Central Council shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the
Association and shall have the following powers:
- For the conduct of business at meetings of the Central
Council and for the maintenance and admi nistration of the Association,
library and properties and for the organisation and direction of publications.
- To frame, alter or repeal rules and bye-laws of the
Association By 2/3 majority in C.C. subject to the approval of the
general body meeting/ EOGM of the Association.
© To peruse Sub-Committees including Working Committee, Screening
& Scrutinising Committee and other Committee appointed by the
President in consultation with Hon. Secretary General.
- To appoint any other Sub-Committees as deemed necessary
by the Central Council with the approval of President.
- To represent to Government, public bodies or any
constituent authority, any matter in which the interest of the Association
or the dental profession are involved.
- To consider and decide application for direct membership;
resignation to take disciplinary action on any member removal of members
for want of qualification and the question of taking disciplinary
action against any member or branch.
- To write off the whole or part of the arrears against
any individual member or a branch or other outstanding, if considered
- To delegate all or some of its powers to a working
committee, if and when appointed except the power of altering rules
and byelaws.
- To appoint or remove salaried employees of Head
Office of the Association.
- To exercise in addition to the powers by the rules
expressly conferred on it all such powers and do all such acts and
things as may be done by the Association and which are not hereby
or by legislative enactment expressly directed to be exercised or
done by the Association in Annual General Body/ EOGM meeting.
- To purchase; take on lease, sell, mortgage, or otherwise
buy or dispose immovable properties of every description in particular
any land, Building, etc. & to form a Trust as per Govt. Regulation
for which 2/3 majority of Central Council is required.
- To purchase; manage, lend, exchange movable properties
and to buy utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, instruments,
fittings, appliances, apparatus, rent any accommodation when deemed
necessary in the interest of the Association.
- To erect, maintain, improve or alter and keep in
repair any building for the purpose of the Association.
- To borrow or raise money in such manner as the Association
may think fit and collect subscriptions and donations for the purpose
of the Association.
- To invest any funds of the Association not immediately
required for any of its objects in such manner as may from time to
time be determined by the Central Council.
- To Assist, subscribe or co-operate or affiliate
or be affiliated to or amalgamate with any other public body whether
incorporated, registered or not and having altogether or in parts
objects similar to the Association.
- To Approve/ Derecognise State/ Local Branches; to
null & void elections of a contestant appeal to H/O on its merits
after detailed enquiry held at State/ Local Branches by 2/3 majority.
- To give a directive to a branch or a member on any
- To grant seal of acceptance of IDA for Oral Health
Products/ Instruments/ Dental Materials by 2/3 majority.
- To appoint one Conference Secretary for National
Conferences. The Conference Secretary shall be a liason between the
Central Council and the Organising Committee and shall be responsible
to the Central Council.
- To approve one Chairman Organising Secretary, Treasurer
convenor scientific sessions & convenor Trade Fair for National
- To nominate Ten members of Central Council to C.D.H.
& Ten members to C.D.E. Committee.
< li> If any member does not posses requisite qualification
to join as a member in Head Office State/ Local Branch and if admitted
by State / Local Branches the Central Council has the powers to enquire
into and remove the member from the rolls of the Association.
- To approve audited Balance Sheet before placing it in AGM/ EOGM
& proposed budget in a year.
- To represent matters pertaining to D.C.I.
- The decision of the Central Council in all matters shall be final
& binding on State/ Local Branches & individual members.
- State
Executive Committee.
The State Executive Committee shall regulate the general affairs of the
association within the respective state branch limits and shall have the
following powers.
- For the Conduct of business at Executive Committee
Meeting and for maintenance of the Association Room and properties
and for organisation and direction of publications.
- To peruse Sub-Committee other than Arbitration Committee
appointed by the President in consultation with Hony. State Secretary.
- To represent to State Government or public body
within the state in the interest of the Association and dental profession.
- To consider and decide the application for direct
membership to the State branch; Resignation and recommending disciplinary
action against members of the State Branch to the C.C.
- To write off the whole or part of the arrears against
any individual payable to the State Branch. To approve audited Balance
Sheet before placing it in AGM/ EOGM.
- To appoint or remove salaried employees of the State
Branch Office.
- To purchase, take lease or otherwise acquire, to
form a trust as per Govt. Regulations to manage, lend exchange, sell,
mortgage or otherwise dispose of movable or immovable properties of
every description and all rights and privileges necessary or convenient
for the purpose of the association within the state limits by 2/3
- To erect, maintain improve or alter and repair any
buildings owned by the State Branch of Association.
- To borrow or raise funds such manner as the State
Executive may think fit and collect subscription and donation for
the state branch of the Association.
- To invest funds of the State branch not immediately
required in any of the object in such manner, as may from time to
time being determined by State Executive Committee.
- To recommend formation of Local Branch in the State
Branch territory.
- To appoint one Conference secretary for state conferences.
- To approve one chairman, Organising Committee, Organising
Secretary and Treasurer for the conduct of State Conferences.
- Local
Branch Executive Committee
Local Branch executive shall regulated the general affairs of the Local
Branch Association with in the Local Branch area of operation and shall
have the following powers.
- For the Conduct of business at Executive Committee
Meeting and for maintenance of the Association Room and properties
and for organisation and direction of publication.
- To peruse Sub-Committees appointed by the President
in consultation with Hony. Secretary.
- To consider and decide application of membership,
resignation and recommending disciplinary action against members of
the local branch.
- To delegate some of the powers to a working committee
when appointed.
- To write off whole or part of the arrears against
any member payable to Local Branch.
- To approve audited Balance Sheet before placing
it in AGM/ EOGM.
- To appoint and remove salaried employees of the
Local Branch.
- To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire,
to form at trust; as per Govt. Regulations to manage, lend, exchange,
sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of movable or immovable properties
of every description and all rights or privileges necessary or convenient
for the purpose of the association with in the Branch limits, by 2/3
- To erect, maintain, improve or alter or repair any
buildings owned by the Local Branch of Association.
- To borrow or raise money in such manner as the local
branch executive may think fit and collect subscriptions and donations
for the Local Branch Association.
- To invest funds of the Local branch of the Association
not immediately required for any of its objects in such manners as
may from time to time being determined by the Executive Committee.
Terms of office of the Central Council/ Executive Committee:-
The Central Council shall enter upon its duties at the close of the annual
general body meeting of H/O and shall hold office till the declaration of
the results of the election of the office bearers at the next annual general
body meeting of H/O. This is applicable to the Executive Committee of the
State/ Local branches also with AGM of respective branches.
- The members shall function forthwith after election
and shall continue as members till the declaration of the results of
election at the next Annual General Body Meeting.
- Any member of the Central Council of H/O/ Executive
Committee of Branches who is absent for three consecutive meetings without
assigning a valid reason/ apology in writing shall cease to be a member
of the Central Council/ Executive Committee; Automatically Notice to
such members shall not be sent for the next CC/ EC Meeting. Such members
shall not be eligible for re-election/ renomination for that Association
year. This shall be intimated to state Office in the case of C.C. representative
from state: Local Branch. In case of Local Branch representative to
State Branch.
Duties & Powers of Office-bearers, of Head Office:
- The
- Shall be the Chairman of all meeting of the Central
Council and Sub-Committee appointed by him, and any other Committee
of which he may be a member for which not chairman has been appointed.
- Shall preside at the Annual Conference of H/O.
- Shall guide and control the activities of the Association.
- Shall regulate the proceedings of the meetings and
conferences, interpret the rules and regulation, decide doubtful points.
- Shall, in addition to his ordinary vote, have a
casting vote. Incase of equality of votes, if he fails to give his
casting vote at the motion shall be declared invalid.
- Shall continue as a member of the Central Council
for one year beginning with the end of his term of office as President.
- Shall have the right to attend & take part in
any Meeting (E.C; A.GM; E.O.G.M) OF state / Local Branches any where
in India.
- The
president -Elect:
Shall be a member of the Central Council and shall assist the President
in the performance of his duties and shall succeed to the office of the
President at the end of the open session of the Conference or at the end
of the annual general body meeting if there is not Conference on the year
following his election as President-Elect.
- The Vice-Presidents:
- The Candidates securing the highest of votes at the
election shall be deemed as the first Vice-President. The candidate
securing the second highest number of votes shall be deemed as the
Second Vice-President and the candidate securing the third highest
number of votes shall be deemed as the third Vice-President. In case
of tie, President shall give his casting vote.
- Any one of the three Vice-Presidents in their order
of precedence shall act as Chairman of the meetings of the Central
Council in the absence of the President.
- Any one of the three Vice-Presidents in their order
of precedence shall be the Chairman of all sub-committees of which
he is a member in case the President is not a member and for which
no Chairman has been appointed.
- All Vice Presidents shall help in the organisation
of the branches by making tours and addressing the association, etc.
- The Honorary Secretary General H/O:
- Honorary Secretary General shall be in charge of
the Head Office.
- Shall conduct all correspondence.
- Shall have general supervision of accounts; pass
all bills for payments and sign cheques.
- Shall get prepared by the Honorary Treasurer, a
half yearly and an annual statement of accounts duly audited by the
auditor, for presentation before the Central Council & at annual
general body meeting/ E.O.G.M.
- . Shall prepare a budget and get it passed at the
first Central Cuncil after the annual general body meeting.
- Shall organise, arrange and convene meetings, conferences,
lectures and demonstrations.
- Shall attend meetings of the Central Council and
Sub-Committees and keep proceeding thereof; and be a member of all
- Shall assist the President in appointing Sub-Committees.
- Shall maintain a correct and up-to date Register
of all types of members of the Association.
- . Shall organise the Indian Dental Association with
the help of the Honorary Joint Secretary and Honorary Assistant Secretary
by encouraging the establishment of the branches where they do not
exist and by creating a general interest in the Indian Dental Association.
- Shall maintain a property register.
- . H.S.G. shall have the right to attend & take
part in any meeting (E.C/ AGM/ EOGM) of the State/ Local Branches
anywhere in India.
- If the Honorary Secretary General, changes his personal
head quarters to any other town after he is duly elected, the Head
Office shall not be shifted to his new headquarters without the prior
approval of the Central Council and later to be approved by the general
- Honorary
Joint Secretary
- The
Honorary Assistant Secretary
Shall help the Honorary Secretary General in his work in looking after
the office, in conducting correspondence, in preparation of agenda of
meeting, in preparing statements, etc. The Joint Secretary H/O shall act
for the Honorary Secretary General in his absence. The Assistant Secretary
of H/O. shall act for the Honorary Secretary General only in the absence
of the Joint Secretary.
- The Honorary
- Shall receive all funds of the Association and deposit
them in a bank approved by the Central Council to the credit of the
Association and operate jointly with Honorary Secretary General. These
funds or a part of them may, if approved by the Central Council, be
deposited in a nationalised Bank.
- He shall maintain Head of Account for journal; CDH;
CDE and any other office requiring handling of funds & credit
in that Head of account. He shall issue Cheques/ DD, whenever the
Editor, Chairman CDH & CDE & any Officer demand it & debit
it in that Head of Account.
- Shall be responsible for the collection of subscription
from the members of the Association either directly or through branches.
Shall dispose of the bills for payments as sanctioned
by the Honorary Secretary General and only on his written order.
- Shall have the right tp point out any error or discrepancy in the
order of payment of the Honorary Secretary General and refer the order
back to him with his remarks. In the event of disagreement still persisting
between the Honorary Secretary General and the Treasurer, the matter
shall be referred to the President for final decision.
- Shall be responsible for keeping up to date, the accounts of the
Association with all the accounts books posted up to date
- Shall get all the accounts audited by the auditor of the Association.
- Shall prepare an annual statement of accounts and a balance sheet
showing the financial position of the Association, get it audited
by the registered auditor elected at the annual general body meeting
and put it for adoption before the annual general body meeting/ E.O.G.M.
through the Honorary Secretary General.
- Editor of the Journal:
- Shall be in charge of the Indian Dental Association.
- Shall, with the help of the Journal committee, be
responsible for the publication and management of the journal.
- Shall be Chairman of the Journal Committee.
- Shall have the sole discretion of publishing or
correcting any of the articles received for publication.
- Shall submit the statement of accounts to the Treasurer
half yearly and yearly.
- Chairman of the Council of Dental Health, I.D.A.
- Shall be the Chairman of all meetings of the Council
on Dental Health I.D.A. and shall guide and control the activities
of the council of Dental Health. He shall submit the statement of
accounts to the Treasurer half yearly and yearly.
- He shall nominate a Honorary Secretary of the council
of Dental Health for approval by the Central Council for a period
of two years.
- The Honorary Chairman shall organise, arrange and
convene meetings of the council of Dental Health at All India Level,
State Level, Local Branch Level in various places.
- Chairman of the continuing Dental Education Wing.
- Shall be the Chairman of all meetings of the continuing
Dental Education Wing of I.D.A. and shall guide control the activities
of the continuing Dental Education Wing. He shall submit the statement
of accounts to the Treasurer half yearly and yearly.
- He shall nominate a Honorary Secretary of the continuing
Dental Education Wing for approval by the Central Council for a period
of two years. The Honorary Secretary shall organise, arrange and convene
meetings of the continuing Dental Education Wing in consultation with
the Chairman.
- The duty of the continuing Dental Education wing
is to conduct continuing Dental Education Programmes at all India
level, State level and Local Branch level in various places.
- Duties and powers of Office of State/ Local Branches:
- President:
- Shall be the Chairman of all meetings of the Executive
Committee of his Branch and the Sub-Committees appointed by him,
and any other Committee of which he may be a member for which no
chairman has been appointed.
Shall preside at the Annual Conference of his
- Shall guide and control the activities of the Association
- Shall regulate the proceedings of the meetings and conferences.
- Shall, in addition to his ordinary vote, have a casting vote.
In case of equality of votes, if he fails to give his casting vote,
the motion shall be declared invalid.
- Shall continue as a member of the State/ Local Branch Executive
as the case may be for one year beginning with the end of his term
of office as President.
- State Branch President shall have the right to attend any meeting
E.C; A.G.M; EOGM OF local Branch in his State.
The President
Shall be a member of the Executive Committee, and shall
assist the President in the performance of his duties and shall succeed
to the Office of President at the Annual General Body Meeting of his/her
branch in the Year following his/her Election as President-Elect.
- The Vice President:
Who gets the highest number of votes shall be termed first Vice President
and shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
When both the President and the first Vice President are absent the
second Vice President shall take the chair. When the President, First
Vice President and the Second Vice President will take the chair.
Shall be Chairman of all the Sub-committees and Committees of which
he is a member, in case the President is absent.
- The Hony.
State Branch secretary/ Hony. Local Branch Secretary:
With the help of the Hon. Joint Secretary and Hon. Asst. Secretary of
his /her Branch.
- Shall be in-charge of the Branch Office.
- Shall conduct all correspondence of his/her Branch
& shall maintain proper register of the Branch.
- Shall have general supervision of accounts, pass
all bills for payment and sign cheque of his Branch.
- Shall obtain from the Hon. Branch Treasurer a quarterly and an
Annual Statement of accounts duly audited by the Auditor, for presentation
before the Executive Committee and Annual General Body Meeting of
his Branch.
- Shall prepare a Budget and present it for approval at the first
Executive Committee Meeting of his Branch after the Annual General
Body Meeting.
- Shall organise, arrange and convene Meetings, Conferences, Lectures
and Demonstrations of his branch.
- Shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee and Sub-Committees
of his branch and keep proceeding thereof; and be a member of all
committees of his branch.
- Shall assist the President in appointing sub committees of his
- Shall maintain a correct and up to date register of all members
of the Branch.
- Hony. State Secretary shall have a right to attend any meeting
of EC/ AGM/ EOGM of Local Branches within his State.
- Shall be responsible for sending the share to H/O. in case of
State Sec the share to state office in case of Local Branch Secretary
within fifteen days/ before due date whichever is earlier.
- . Shall maintain a Property Register.
- In case of State Secretary if he changes his personal head quarters
to any other town after he is duly elected, the State Secretary
Office shall not be shifted ti his new head quarters without prior
approval of the Executive Committee of the State Branch and later
to be approved by the General Body.
- The Hon. Joint Secretary:
Shall help the Hon. State Secretary in case of State
Branch and Hon. Secretary in case of Local Branch in his work in looking
after the Office, in conducting correspondence, in preparation of Agenda
of meetings, in preparing budget etc. The Hon. Joint Secretary shall
act for the Hon. State Secretary in his absence, in case of State Branch;
Hon. Secretary in case of Local Branch.
- The
Hon. Assistant Secretary:
Shall help the Hon.
State Secretary in case of State Branch, Local Branch Secretary in case
of Local Branch and the Hon. Joint Secretary in their work looking after
the office, in conducting correspondence, in preparation of Agenda of
Meetings, in preparing Budget etc.
- The Hon.
Shall receive all funds of his/her Branch and deposit them in a Bank
or Banks approved by the Executive Committee of the Branch to the Credit
of the branch and shall operate jointly with anyone of the following
Office Bearers: President or Hon. State Secretary in case of State branch,
in case of Local Branch President/ Secretary of Local Branch.
- These funds or part of them may, if approved by
the Executive Committee, be deposited in the Bank.
- The Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for the
collection of subscriptions from all the members of the Branch through
the Secretary.
- Shall dispose off the bills for payment as sanctioned
by the Hon. Secretary of the Branch and only on his written order.
- Shall have the right to print out any error or
discrepancy in the order of payment of the Hon. Secretary of the
Branch and refer the order book to him with his remarks. In the
event of disagreement still persisting between the Hon. Secretary
and the Hon. Treasurer the matter shall be referred to the President
of the Branch for final decision.
- Shall be responsible for keeping upto date, the
accounts of the branch with all the accounts Books posted up to
- Shall get all the accounts audited by the Auditor
of the Branch.
- Shall prepare a Half Yearly statement of accounts
to be put before the Executive Committee of the Branch.
- Shall prepare an Annual Statement of accounts
and a balance sheet showing the financial position of the Branch,
get it audited by the registered auditor elected at the Annual General
Body Meeting of his Branch and put it for adoption before the Annual
General Body Meeting through the Hon. Secretary of the Branch.
- Editor of the Journal:
- Shall be in-charge of the Journal of the Branch.
- Shall, with the help of the Journal Committee
of the Branch, be responsible for the publication and management
of the journal.
- Shall be chairman of journal committee of the
- Shall have the sole discretion of publishing or
correcting any of the articles received for publication in the Journal
of the Branch.
- Shall submit the Statement of accounts to the Treasurer
of the Branch half yearly and Yearly.
- Convenor CDH of state Branch/ Representative
to CDH from Local Branch:
Shall co-ordinate/ liason with Chairman CDE of Head Office
in conducting CDH activities of H/O at the Branch Level.
- Convenor CDE of State Branch/ Representative to CDE from Local
Shall co-ordinate/ liason with Chairman CDE of Head Office in conducting
CDE Programmes of H/O at the Branch Level.
General Rules of Election of office-bearers
in H/O & Branches:
- Persons, who are members in good standing only are
eligible to stand for all offices of H/O, State & Local Branches.
Office Bearers, Rep to C.C. Rep. to E.C. & members of executive
Committee State/ Local Branches.
- Nominations shall be received by HSG in case of H/O
& Hon. Secretary in case of branches with the name & signature
of the proposer, seconder & willingness of the candidate. If a candidate/
proposer/ seconder is in arrears at the time of filling his/her nomination,
the nomination shall become invalid.
- Only those members whose subscription is received
in H/O on 31st July every year are eligible to vote for election of
President Elect/ Vice President of H/O; This applies to State Branches
conducting election of One President elect & Three Vice President
just like H/O as per Section G of this chapter. Members whose subscription
is received in Head Office upto 31st July every year are eligible to
vote in the election, held by State Office.
- Only those members whose subscription is received
in H/O on 31st October every year are eligible to attend & vote
in the respect AGM held by H/O, State & Local Branches.
- A person who resigns from Office -Bearer ship before
completion of the tenure of his post to contest for any other Office
Bearer ship post during his unfinished tenure, is debarred from standing
for any other Office till the completion of his unfinished term of Office
in Head Office, State & Local Branches.
- Office Bearers who do not submit accounts of their
Office on time or at the time of handing over office to successors,
Conference, Accounts within the prescribed time limit are not eligible
to contest for any office including representative to CC/EC for a period
of five years. On this issue the decision of C.C. shall be final.
- The following qualifications are required for a
Candidate to be nominated to contest for election of Head Office Bearer
ship noted below
President Elect.
- Should have served in the Executive Committee of
State or Local branch for two years with 50% attendance each term.
- Should have been President of the local or State
branch with 75% attendance in the meeting of Executive Committee.
- Should have served in the Central Council for two
years with 50% attendance each term, out of which at least one term
should be within the preceding two years.
Vice Presidents.
- Should have served in the Executive Committee of
State or Local Branch for two years with 50% attendance each term.
- Should have been President/ Vice President of a
State or Local Branch with 75% attendance in the meeting of Executive
- . Should have served in the Central Council for two
years with 50% attendance each year, out of which at least one term
should be within the preceding two years.
Hon. Secretary
- Should have served in the Executive Committee of
State or Local branch for two years with 50% attendance each term.
- Should have served as secretary of State or Local
branch with 75% attendance. In the meeting of the Executive Committee.
- Should have served in the Central Council for two
years with 50% attendance each term. Out of which at least one term
should be within the preceding two years.
Hon. Joint Secretary
One Honorary Joint Secretary, who must reside at the city where the Head
Office is located and must be a member of the branch and must have served
atleast for one term in the Executive Committee of the Branch.
Hon. Asst. Secretary
One Honorary Asst. Secretary, who must reside at the city where the Head
Office is located and must be a member of that Local branch and must have
served atleast for one year in the Executive committee of the Branch.
Hon. Treasurer.
One Honarary Tresurer, who must reside at the city where the Head Office
is located and must be a member of that Local branch and must have served
atleast for one year in the Executive Committee of the Branch.
Editor Journal.
- Should have served in the Executive Committee of
State of Local branch for two years with 50% attendance each term.
- Should have served in the Central Council for two
years with 50% attendance each term, out of which atleast one term
should be within the preceding two years.
- Should produce evidence of being, associated with
any Committee of Scientific publications.
Chairman C.D.H.
- Should have served in the executive committee of
local or state branch for two years with 50% attendance each term.
- Should have served in the central council for two
years with 50% attendance each term, out of which atleast one term
should be within the preceding two years.
- Should have experience of conducting Dental Health
Programmes at State or Local level and produce a Certificate to the
effect from the president or secretary of the State or Local branch.
Chairman C.D.E.
- Should have served in the Executive Committee of
local or State branch for two years with 50% of attendance each term.
- Should have serve in the Central council for two
years with 50% attendance each term, out of which atleast one years
should be within the preceding two years.
- Should have experience of conducting Scientific
Programme as a Convener of state and Local Branch or a Scientific
Convener of Annual IDA Conference of Local or State Branch or Head
Office and produce a Certificate to the effect from the President/
Secretary/ Chairman of the Conference.
- Qualifications
to stand for various posts in state Branches.
President Elect:
Should have served as President of a local Branch
with 75% attendance in the meeting of Executive Committee.
Should have served in the Executive Committee of the State Branch
for two years with 50% attendance each term, out of which one term
should be with in the preceding two years.
Vice Presidents:
As per clause-1 referred above. Change for president
elect and change the word president.
- Hon.
State Secretary:
As per clause-1 referred above replace the word President as Hon. Secretary.
- Hon. Joint
Secretary and Hon. Asst. Secretary:
Should have served in Local Branch Executive for one year with 50% attendance
but he should reside in the same place/ town where Hon. State Secretary
- Hon. Treasurer:
As per Clause-iv referred above.
- Editor Journal
(If any post exists):
Should have served in the executive Committee of State Branch for two
years with 50% attendance each term.
Should produce evidence of being associated with any Committee of Scientific
Publication, or atleast Chairman, Co-Chairman of the Scientific Session
of any State or Local Branch Conference.
- Representative
of State Branch to Central Council:
It will be divided into three categories.
President/ Secretary
Category: State Branch President or State Branch Secretary
one of the two shall get elected for one vacancy.
Existing Central Council Members Category:
After deduction the President/ Secretary category seats, 50% of
the remaining vacant seats is reserved for existing Central Council
members who have attended 50% Central Council meetings held upto
31st October. Incase there are more candidates than the posts available
in this category elections within these candidates should be carried,
In case there is a vacancy in this category it will be passed on
- New
Central Council Members Category:
The following are eligible to contest in this category for the remaining
- Contestant who contested in category ii and
- Existing Central Council Member not eligible to contest under
- Life/ Annual member who was an Office Bearer; member Central
Council/ Executive committee in state/ local branch for two terms
with 50% attendance in each term.
- For all other posts & members of State Executive
Committee no special qualification is required.
- Qualification
to stand for various posts in Local Branches:
For the first three
years of the formation of Local Branch no qualification is required to
contest for any post in a local Branch. From the Fourth year of functioning
of a Local Branch, the contestant of President elect & Branch Secretary
should have been a member of Branch Executive for One year with 50% attendance
in the Executive Committee of the Branch.
Procedure for Election of Pre-Elect & Vice President H/O.
- The Honorary Secretary General shall on or before
1st of May each year invite State and Local branches to nominate one
member of the Association for the office of three Vice Presidents. He
shall, along with or before the circular of inviting nominations send
a current list of members of the Branches.
- The nominations for these offices shall be by the
Branch Executive Committee, but before the nomination is forwarded to
Hony. Secretary General, the Secretary of the branch should ascertain
from the person concerned whether he accepts the nomination and send
such letter of acceptance to the Head Office.
- No member shall be eligible to stand for or hold two
offices in Head Office during the same year. Otherwise his nomination
becomes null and void.
- The nomination should reach the office of the Honorary
Secretary General not later than 15 of June each year. Nominations received
after that date shall not be considered.
- The eligible candidates as declared by the Screening
committee shall be intimated immediately after the meeting and also
shall be informed of the names of their co-contestants for the post
they intend standing. They shall be given 15 days time for withdrawal
of their candidature if they desire to do so. Candidate or his/her representative
shall attend the screening committee meeting.
- The honorary Secretary General shall on or before
15th of September send to all the branches and the direct members the
list of nominations received requesting them to elect one name for the
post of President-elect and three names for the post of Vice-President
from amongst the names in the list of nominees.
- The branch Secretary shall use this list for preparation
of ballot papers to be used for voting at EOGM specially called for
the purpose & the date of EOGM shall be intimated to H/O, well in
- The counting of the votes shall be done by two scrutinizers
appointed by the President, in the presence of the President, Secretary
and the candidates, or their representative if present, at the EOGM
of the Branch.
- The voting by ballot shall be according to the procedure
laid down by the Central Council from time to time.
- The voting by direct members shall be by post for which
they will be supplied papers from the Head Office under postal certificate
along with the list of nominations. The ballot papers must be sent to
the Head Office by registered post. Before last date.
- Sate Branches/ that shall have no local branches shall
conduct elections by calling an EOGM. State branches having local branches
under them should conduct by postal ballot for their direct members.
They should follow the same procedure as above. The State Branches while
sending the Ballot papers shall intimate the last date for receipt of
ballot. The Screening and Scrutinizing Committee of the State Branch
shall meet on a date fixed earlier, tabulate the results, and send their
result to Head Office in the format provided along with the Original
ballot papers received before the last date.
- The election results should reach Hon. Secretary General
not later than 31st October each year after which they shall not be
- There shall be a Scrutinising committee. All the sealed
envelopes shall be opened by the Hon. Secretary General in the meeting
of the Scrutinising Committee and the committee shall tabulate the results
and place the same before the Central Council.
- Honorary Secretary General shall give 15 days clear
notice to all the candidates informing them about the date, time and
place of the Scrutinising Committee Meeting to enable them to be present
at the meeting either in person or by proxy, who shall be a member of
the Association.
- The person getting the large number of votes shall
be declared by the Central Council. In case of equality of votes, President
shall give his casting vote.
In the event of there being no nomination
either for the posts of one President-elect or any one of the three
Vice-Presidents received by the Head Office by the prescribed date of
15th June, the elections for these posts shall be held at the annual
general body meeting. If nominations are received for the posts of Vice
President only, and if any of the elected Vice-Presidents resign to
contest for the election of President-elect at the annual general meeting
or for some other reasons, the order of precedence of the three Vice-Presidents
will be determined on the basis of the number of votes polled by each
of the remaining candidates contesting for the election of the Vice
President. In the event of the post of the President failing vacant
due to some contingency such as resignation, demise etc., the first
Vice-President shall succeed to the post of President for the remaining
period of the term.
- Procedure
for election of President & Vice President in State Branches:
State Branch may follow the above
mentioned procedure for electing President Elect & Three Vice Presidents
as laid down above or they may conduct election in the Annual General
Body Meeting of the State Branch for the post of President Elect and
Vice Presidents along with other Office Bearers & option is left
to State Branches. If they prefer to follow the above procedure those
members whose subscription is received in Head Office by 31st July every
year only are eligible to vote.
. As for the Local Branch is concerned,
Election for all the posts of Office Bearers, Members of the Executive
Committee/ Representatives to the State from Local Branches, should
be held only at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Branch.
. The State/ Local Branches shall
elect the Hon. Joint Secretary, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Treasurer,
Editor(if any) representative to Central Council in case of State Branches
Rep to Local Branch in State Executive in case of Local Branches at
the Annual General Body Meeting of respective branches.
- Procedure
for conducting election of Hon. Secretary General; Joint Secretary/ Asst.
Secretary/ Treasurer/ Editor/ Chairman CDH & CDE of H/O.
One Honorary Secretary General, One Honorary Joint Secretary. One Honorary
Assistant Secretary, One Honorary Treasurer, One Editor of the Journal and
One Chairman Council of Dental Health & One Chairman CDE shall be elected
at the annual general body meeting of H/O.
Outgoing C.C. shall have the power to nominate Office Bearers when ever
such vacancy arises with the previous consent of members concerned &
recommend to the Annual General Body.
- AGM Notice
shall be posted to Members H.S.G. not later than 30th November every year.
Nominations shall be called for in the
Annual General Body Meeting notice of Head Office for vacant posts with
the last date for the receipt of information's. After getting eligibility
certificate from branches and Head Office, candidate shall send the nomination
to Honorary Secretary General to contest for the post before a last date
preferably ten clear days before AGM. One candidate is eligible to contest
for more than one post, all the nominations of the member shall become invalid
automatically for all the posts. Names of eligible contestants as approved
by the C.C. shall be announced at the Annual General Body Meeting and the
election conducted at the AGM by Secret Ballot. Members who would like to
withdraw their candidature shall withdraw within the stipulated date if
announced by the AGM notice or at the AGM. No fresh nomination shall be
received at the AGM unless there is a vacancy. Members whose subscription
is received in Head Office on or before 31st October every year only are
eligible to attend and vote in Annual General Body Meeting. Members joining
in Nov/Dec/ Jan of succeeding year are not eligible to attend, contest or
vote in the annual general body meeting.
. Election of Representatives to the
Central Council from State Branches:
State branches shall elect their representatives to the Central Council
at their annual general body meeting in the following scale:-
For the first fifty Annul/Life
Members two representative.
ii For the next one hundred Annul/Life
members or part there off one representative. One representative for
every increase of 100 or part of 100 Annul/Life members. The name
of such representatives shall be communicated to the Hony. Secretary
General for information. The number of representatives of the State
branches to the Central Council will be on the basis of the Annul
& Life membership strength on 31st October. The membership strength
will be calculated as on Head Office records and not the State branch
The election of the representatives to Central Council shall take
place at the annual general body meeting of the State branch and the
results shall be communicated to H/O within a week of the election.
Election of Representatives to
the State Executive Committee from Local Branches.
The Local Branches shall elect Representatives
to the State Executive Committee in their AGM on the basis of Membership
strength as on 31st October under Head Office register. For the first
50 Annual/Life Member there shall be two representatives out of which
one shall be Local Branch President or Secretary. Over and above this
for every additional slab of 100 or part thereof, there shall be one
representative. The elected representative shall hold office till the
completion of his/her tenure of office and thereafter shall automatically
ceases be a representative or State Executive Committee.
In case Defence wing Central Council
representative shall be elected/ nominated by the Chief of Dental
Corps on the same scale as that of State Branches on the basis of
strength of Defence wing annually.
- Procedure for Election
of Office Bearers of State/Local Branches in Annul General Body Meeting:
Mode of Election of the State Executive Committee:
The State Branch shall conduct Election
at the Annual General Body as per the procedure herein afterwards laid
down for all post of Office Bearers: Members of Executive Committee and
Representatives of State Branch to Central Council.
On or Before 15th September every
year outgoing executive committee shall have the power to nominate
Office-Bearers, members of Executive Committee and Representatives
of State to Central Council with the previous consent of the members
concerned for the ensuing year when ever such vacancy arises and recommend
to the general body for elections and shall circulate the same to
the members of the branch on or before 30th September every year.
The Hony State Secretary shall
invite nominations from members of the branch of Office bearers/ members
of the Executive Committee and Representative to Central Council on
or before 30th September every year. These nominations duly proposed
and seconded with willingness of the candidate shall reach the Hony.
State Secretary by 30th October or atleast five clear days before
the day fixed for the Annual General Body Meeting. Candidates who
would like to withdraw their candidature shall withdraw before a last
date it it is announced in A.G.M. notice or at the AGM. No fresh nominations
shall be received at the Annual General Body Meeting unless there
is a vacancy No member shall stand for two State Office simultaneously.
Otherwise his candidature shall become null and void all posts.
A State executive Committee may
be called for before the AGM or atleast one day prior to AGM to consider
the eligibility of the candidates contesting against the executive
recommended candidates. If the contestants are found eligible to contest,
received from amongst the members of the branch shall be put to vote
at the Annual General Body Meeting of State Branch.
Two Scrutinisers shall be appointed
at the AGM.
The Office Bearers/ Members of
Executive Committee/ Representative to Central Council shall be elected
at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Bramch in the Order mentioned
on page 15/16.
Should there be more than the allotted
number of candidates for any Office the voting shall be by secret
In case of a tie, the President
shall cast his casting vote.
If a candidate/ Proposer/ Seconder
is in arrears at the time of filling his/ her nomination, candidates
shall not be permitted to contest the election.
Mode of
Election of Local Branch Executive Committee:
The same procedure as above applies to
the Local Branches to elect Office Bearers; Members of Executive Committee
and Representatives to State Executive from Local Branches. In the above
procedure the word State Secretary shall be replaced by Local Branch Secretary.
In case of Local Branch nominations it shall be received atleast three
clear days before the AGM instead of five clear days as in Sub-Clause-II.
- Mode
of Exercising options of State/ Local Branches:
State/ Local Branches are given certain options, in this constitution to
be decided; such options shall be decided at the AGM or EOGM of the branch
- Casual
Any vacancy occurring during the year from amongst office bearers as mentioned
in his Chapter except that of the President and three Vice-Presidents shall
be filled by the Central Council in case of H/O, Executive Committee in
the case of branches.
- Such Office bearers shall hold office for the remaining
term of the year till the next annual general body meeting.
- In case of elected members from the branches, (Rep
to CC/ Rep to EC) such vacancies shall be filled by the branch executive
concerned. Such members shall hold office only for the remaining period
of the term.
- A representative to the Central Council from States
or Representative of the Local Branch to State Executive if removed
under clause21 C (b) of page 20, they shall not be renominated for this
post again for that current year.
- Removal
of office-bearers of Association in H/O & Branches:
Any Office bearer shall be removed from
the Office before completing his/her tenure only by following the procedure
as laid down here under by bringing a no confidence motion. The charges
against any Office bearer has to enunciated in the form of a resolution
signed by not less than 1/4th of the total number of members of the Association
as on 1st November, to the President and Honorary Secretary general, who
shall circulate the same to all the members and convene a special EOGM to
discuss the issue within Sixty days from the date of receipt. In case they
fail to do so, the members signing the resolution can convene a special
meeting themselves after expiry of sixty days within a period of two months
only for this purpose.
The Central Council has the right to enquire
into the charges levelled against the Office bearer concerned and every
opportunity has to be provided to him to appear or to represent his case
at an enquiry. Then the whole matter shall be placed before the special
E.O.G.M. of the Association, in case of Head Office bearers and in case
of branches E.O.G.M. of the concerned branch giving ample opportunity for
the office bearer to state his case after which the resolution shall be
moved, to remove him from Office and 2/3 members present at the meeting
vote in favour of the resolution it shall be passed with immediate effect.
The voting shall be by secret ballot. The quorum for the special meeting
shall be 1/4th of the total strength of the members as on the list.
This procedure applies to branches also.
The word HSG shall be replaced by Hon. State Secretary/ Local Branch Secretary
as the case may be; Central Council by Executive Committee. The number of
members will be calculated as per H/O register as on 1st November.